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Every investment in DOVE is an investment in a family’s future.

Donations to DOVE allow us to continue our life saving work with survivors of domestic violence in our community.


Because of your support, we are able to offer a comprehensive array of services that create healing for people starting new lives free of violence and full of hope.





Gift from your Donor Advised Fund (DAF)








Gift from your IRA

If you are age 70½ or older, you may make a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) directly from your IRA to The DOVE Project without paying federal income tax on the distribution. Speak with your financial advisory and satisfy your qualified minimum distribution while investing in a safe and inclusive community for all. 


Have an unwanted car you'd like to donate to a survivor?  Look here!

Donate A Car To A Nonprofit (



Use DAF Direct to search make a contribution with just a few clicks. 


Tax ID (EIN): 46-1307359



Making a monthly donation to DOVE helps sustain both our prevention program and people who are experiencing violence.

It’s a great way to support us throughout the year.


You can also send a check to P.O. Box 1341, Vashon, WA 98070


Become a Corporate Partner

Become a DOVE Project Corporate Partner, and help us build a brighter tomorrow for our community.

Click below for more information.


Thank you to our corporate partners!

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Aaron Hendon

Abigail Trench

Adam & Erin Weisbart Fund

Aimee Demarest

Alan Aman

Alecia Carter

Alexandrea Douglas

Alexia Cameron

Allan Kaplan

Amy Drayer

Amy Gilman

Ana Kimball

Andrea Walker

Angie Harpole

Anne Moses

Annie Connole

Antonia Greene

Any Bogaard

April Bottman-Haase

Aristy and Brian Gill

Bailey de Iongh

Barbara Hansen

Barbara Powell

Beth Lindsay

Beth Werner

Betty Peralta

Beverly Skeffington


Bo Bonnie McCallister

Bob Horsley

Brad Roter

Braia Weis

Brenda Heflin

Bruce Cekosh

Bruce Funkhouser

Bruce Phillips

Candy McCullough

Carl Winge

Carol Ferch

Carol Jones

Carole L Burger

Carolyn Anderson

Carolyn Ireland-McLean

Carrie Perrin

Catherine Holmes Wilkins Charitable Foundation *

Catherine MacNeal

Catherine Rokitka

Cathy Sarkowsky

Cecelia Furlong

Cecilia Reoux

Celeste Branscomb

Charlene Robins

Charles Giller

Charles Pieterick

Cheryl Brockway

Chip Giller

Chris Ballew

Chris Lee

Chris Peloquin

Christina M Dawson

Christine Lee

Clay Gleb

Craig Beles

Daniel Housholder

Daphne Ashling Purpus

David Brooks

David Van Holde

David Weller

Deana Hodges

Deborah & Steven Tucker

Deborah Banner

Deborah King

Debra Boyer

Dedra Whitt Dakota

Delany Steele

Denis Snow

2024 Donors

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Diane and John Logan

Don Myers

Donna Kellum

Doug Drape

Eitan Saenger

Elaine Summers

Elizabeth Archambault

Elizabeth Boutin

​Elizabeth Gleb

Elizabeth Klob

Elizabeth Lindsay

Elizabeth Renggli

Ellen Call

Ellen Kritzman

Emily and Alex Wigley

Emily Atwood

Emma Amiad

Erin Bechtold

Erin Cole

Erin Hansen

Eugene Studer

Featherstone Giving Fund

Forrest Miller

Gary Schoch

Gates Foundation

Gayle Dunham

Geoffrey Fletcher


Granny's Attic

Gretchen Baumgardner

Harris Levinson

Heather Kawamoto

Heidi Finley

Heidi Grimsley

Hilary Emmer

Holly Powers

Horizon's Foundation

Howard Schoch


Isaac Slade

Jaime Kowieski

James Hauser

Jamie Wolf

Jan Staehli

Jane Gill

Jane Neubauer

Janet & David

Janet McAlpin

Janet Williams

Janice Hanlon

Jean Aspinall

Jean Okimoto

Jeanne Dougherty

Jeffrey Hoyt

Jeffrey Morrison

Jennifer and Christopher Roberts

Jennifer Ferguson

Jennifer Harvey

Jennifer Olsen

Jennifer Reynolds

Jennifer Williams

Jill Bulow

Jill Venturi

Joan Hanna

Jody Cain

John Singer

Joy and Chai Mann

Julie Diamond

Julie Gibson

Julie Rolling

Juniper Rogneby

Karen Baer

Karen Hedlund

Karin Nelson

Karol Lake

Kate Ackerman

Katherine Ellis

Katherine Grace

Katherine Klein

Katherine Peterson

Katherine Petrrson

Kathi Jenkins

Kathleen Hendrickson

Kathryn Shotzbarger

Kathy Larsdotter

Kevin Baumgardner

Kip Schwarzmiller

Kirsten Gagnaire

Layla Tanner

Lea Hanan

LeeAnn Brown

Leif Ormseth

Lesa Sroufe

Linda and Don Mather Canfield

Linda Bianchi

Lisa Miller

Lynn Douglas

Lynne Becker

Lynne Walters

Marc Pease

Marcie Rubardt

Margaret Kellow

Marilyn Sheldon

Marilyn W. Blitz

Mark and Nancy McKallor

Mark Yeoell

Martha Enson

Martin Koenig

Mary Beth Moser

Mary DeMange

Mary Margaret Briggs

Mary Marin

Matt and Susie  Hillman

Matthew Chasan

Matthew Fontaine

Maureen Burke

Megan McLaughlin

Mel Salonen

Mela Bredouw

Melissa Overdorf

Michael Donnelly

Michael Meyer

Michael ODonnell

Michael Soltman

Michelle Garred

Michelle Morlan


Microsoft Matching Gift

Mike and Kate Price

Miriam Perez

MJ Hartwell

Molly Reed

Monica Featherstone

Nancy Smith

Neko Rogneby

Niamh Prince

Nicole and Preben Martin

Nicole Petersen


Noah Roselander

Norcliffe Foundation

NTodd Pritsky

Pam and Bob Eshelman

Pamela Bredouw

Pamela Courtney

Paul Peretti

Peter Maier

Piper Henry

Priscilla and Colby Atwood

Priscilla Caughell

Puget Sound Energy

Rachel Shea

Rachel Waldron


Rebecca Bockow

Reeney O'Reilley

Richard Gordon

Risa and Eliyahu Stahl

Rob Brougham

Robert Camner

Robert Shull

Rose Marie Larson

Royal Little Family Foundation *

Ruth Haney

Ruth Shea

Sara Dickerman

Sarah & Jerry Mathews

Scott Rhodes

Shannon Lorraine

Shannon Mahan

Sheep Meadow Foundation

Sheila Brown

Sheri & Bob

Sophia De Groen

Stephen Abel

Stephen Weigand

Steve Macdonald

Steve Sussman

Steven Sterne

Sunny Speidel

Susan McCabe

Susan Nattrass

Suzanne Mager

Symeon Colovos

Talia Doyle

Tamara Brockway Joyce

Tami & Paco

Tami Brockway Joyce

Tavi Black

Terra Lee Schaller

Terry Vanderwaal

The Ellises

The Families of John Lehman

The Hendrix Foundation

Tiana Colovos

Toast, Inc. - API

Tobey and Teri Fitch

Tobias Nichols

Tonya Trapp

Vanessa Wood

Vashon Eagles - FOE Airie #3144 *

Vashon Island Sotheby's International Realty

Vashon Thriftway

Virginia Young

Wendy Cadman

Wendy Noble

Wendy Truitt

Weston Borden

William Jarcho


Windi Pinoges

Yvonne Kuperberg

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